I used mean quality data (five years) for the NTEP trial and mean of two growing seasons for the regional trail planted in Raleigh. Read our Buy on … While Kentucky bluegrass cultivars do not enjoy the same level of success in North Carolina as they do further north, there are still some great cultivars that can be managed as a nice turf either as a monostand or planted as a mixture with tall fescue cultivars. Using appropriate management practices remains the primary means of reducing injury from this disease. They can then use the national tests to see how their best entries performs across multiple environments compared to other germplasm. is usually early fall, but timing also depends on fescue type and local climate. You also don’t have to worry about the hot months or the cooler winters since the grass can withstand these months when the temperatures … I returned to using K-31 after trying out a few of the newer tall fescue varieties since K-31 holds up the best with regard to drought resistance and disease resistance. Table 1. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) is the most used grass variety in North Carolina, according to the North Carolina University Extension. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, gender identity, national origin, political beliefs, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation and veteran status. If you are interested in viewing a complete dataset of all parameters evaluated or data just for a particular site, these data are available at the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program. There are many brands of grass seeds being sold at garden centers and I wanted to get your opinion as to what is the ultimate best brand of tall fescue grass seed being sold out there. For fall seeding, wait for soil to cool to this range. In some lawns, patches of tall fescue may stick out and appear as a grassy weed. It can handle a wide range of soil conditions, temperatures, and extreme weather. When to Plant Fescue Grass Seed. Some of the older cultivars may no longer be available. If that was the case, they were only referenced to the most recent trial. Generally Kentucky bluegrass cultivars are susceptible to summer patch when grown in Raleigh, which can be difficult to manage without the use of fungicides. Many tall fescue lawns are Kentucky 31 fescue, a type of tall fescue that’s known for its coarse appearance. Older varieties like Kentucky 31 are also available in the endophyte-free form. Under close inspection, however, the bags are required to list the cultivar(s) and the percentage of each cultivar by weight within the bag. † 2019 NTEP data only; ‡ 2012-2016 NTEP; § 2006-2010 NTEP; # 2001-2005 NTEP. A great number of tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass cultivars tested in North Carolina provide excellent performance based on cultivar trials. Fall Planting of Tall Fescue. The following Kentucky bluegrass cultivars were the top performing cultivars in tests conducted between 2001 and 2019 among the 454 entries tested. It is better for the air and soil temperatures to be warmer than cooler for the best … Several cultivars were entered in multiple trials, so they could be a top performer in more than one trial. I currently have a tall fescue lawn and I am planning on re-seeding this year. As one moves into cooler, less humid climates, the disease may be more easily controlled. We distribute the best turf type tall fescue grass seed varieties throughout North America. † 2013-2017 NTEP; ‡ 2007-2011 NTEP; § 2002-2005 NTEP; # 1997-2000 NTEP; ¶ 2014-2016 Regional; * 2018-2019 NTEP (preliminary). Tall Fescue is a cool-season grass that has been the grass seed of choice in the mid-Atlantic and northeastern states for nearly 30 years and for about the last decade in the Midwest and far-western states like California. The best time to plant fescue grass (Festuca spp.) These tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass trials used to develop these best performers evaluated 680 tall fescue entries and 454 Kentucky bluegrass entries. Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed- Pennsylvania State Mix. GreenView Fairway Formula. Jonathan Green 10765 Fall Magic Grass. Customers often ask about matching our recommended cultivars to those listed on the bag seed label. Again, this is done for brand recognition. Ft. Coverage Heat Tolerant Blue Grass. The mix contains Southern-bred grass seed that thrives in harsh conditions like sun, shade, and high traffic. Late summer to early fall is the best time to plant tall fescue seed. A few cultivars appeared in more than one test, but its performance was only noted from the most recent test. The low-maintenance grass covers over 1 million acres in the state, and is the grass of choice throughout the Piedmont and mountain valley given its high tolerance for drought … The middle to end of September is the best time to re-seed your tall fescue lawn. Indians. A&T State University, in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee The cultivars in Table 1 are the top performers across the transition zone study sites plus any that performed equally as well specifically in the North Carolina (Raleigh) site for the last five National Turfgrass Evaluation Trials (NTEP) and one regional North Carolina trial. Even with fungicide applications, we cannot prevent summer patch in all the Kentucky bluegrasses grown in Raleigh. Best Overall: Barenbrug Advantage Pinnacle III Perennial Ryegrass Seed. Pennington Smart Seed Tall Fescue combines the best qualities of various tall fescue varieties in a premium blend that matures to a uniform, finely textured, lower growing and lower … It performs best in full sun to moderate shade, is tolerant of a wide range of physical and chemical soil conditions, and performs best at … Keep in mind that companies often blend multiple cultivars together for sale in the retail market but use a simple Name Brand to enhance brand recognition. Some of the older cultivars may no longer be available. commitment to diversity. By clicking to run this downloaded file you agree to the, Liquid Lawn Refill Hydro Mousse Fescue Grass Seed 2Lb Up to 400sqft Spray, Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed - Dense Shade Mix for Tall Fescue Lawns, Scotts Classic Tall Fescue Grass Seed 7 lb, Hydro Mousse Liquid Lawn As Seen on TV Fescue Blend Grass Seed 0.5, Pennington 100086834 Fescue-Bluegrass Premium Grass Seed Mixture, 3 Lbs, Premium Oregon Grown Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue Grass Seed (5 LBS), Scotts 18302 Turf Builder Heat Tolerant Blue Brand Grass Seed Mix ,7 lbs, Scotts EZ Seed Patch & Repair Tall Fescue Lawns - 10 lb., Combination, Scotts Turf Builder 7 Lb. Some of the newer cultivars may not currently be available in our market. This disease typically plays a dominant factor in turfgrass quality evaluations, at least for the Raleigh test site. Pennington Tall Fescue Add versatility, durability and sustainability to your lawn with Pennington Tall Fescue Blend. These trials include standard cultivars that are well-known in the industry, newly released cultivars, and “not-yet-named-cultivars” that are still in experimental stages of testing. If you need to cover those bare … Turf-type grass grows rapidly and has excellent wear tolerance, making it ideal for high-traffic yards with … The Andersons Innova – Best Fertilizer for New Tall Fescue Grass Andersons Innova is all-natural plant-based fertilizer that is not only safe to the grass and the soil but to kids, sensitive-waterways, and pets as well. It is adaptable to a wide range of climates, is disease resistant, and tolerates heat, cold, drought, and … — Read our Generally, this type of lawn looks similar to bluegrass, except with slightly wider leaf blades. To add to the confusion, the cultivars and/or the percentage of each cultivar within the bag of a Name Brand may change from year to year but the Name Brand often remains unchanged. It is a deep rooted, hardy, bunch-type grass. It is a bunchgrass often used in athletic fields because it can withstand heavy use and foot traffic. It is more productive in midsummer than brome. With so many production, selection, shipping and distribution variables to consider, it is difficult to predict availability of these cultivars to the consumers. Like brown patch in tall fescue, it is generally summer patch that reduces the quality of Kentucky bluegrass. Our recommendation for the best fescue grass seed is probably Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue. Some of the newer cultivars may not currently be available in our market. Table 2. The Top Choice 17632 Tall Fescue grass seed mixture is a blend of three species that can grow you a nice lawn with tall and green grass that uses less water than other types of grasses. This tall fescue grass seed and fertilizer combination will change the way you grow grassThe most complete solution for large problem areas in your lawn and establishing new grass Unique, proprietary combination of tall fescue seed and fertilizer mix results in full green grass that grows in just weeksOne 5.6-lb. These tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass trials used to develop these best performers evaluated 680 tall fescue entries and 454 Kentucky bluegrass entries. For that reason, this 2020 list highlights the top performers in the last six tall fescue trials NC State University has conducted. Unfortunately, it may not be easy to find a bag that contains only cultivars from our high-performing cultivar lists. I used the mean of the transition test areas since parts of NC has climatic conditions more similar to other regions of the transition zone than Raleigh and by using several locations it removes some of the potential bias from using just one test environment. Due to the similarity of performance among tall fescue cultivars and the number of entries tested over the years, the lists had grown to be very long. When combining these two, tall fescue should make up around 90% of the seed due to it not … That is not to say that we cannot still separate the best performers compared to the good performers. Find more information at the following NC State Extension websites: N.C. Also, the Kentucky bluegrasses generally perform better in western NC than they do on the piedmont. Many people choose to combine several types of seeds, and if you plan to do this in your lawn, I recommend a blend of Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue for overseeding. Tall fescue seed germinates quickly (10-14 days) and is readily available as sod around the state. The following tall fescue cultivars were the top performing cultivars in tests conducted between 1997 and 2018 among the 680 entries tested. commitment to diversity. 10 Best Fescue Grass Seeds - December 2020 Results are Based on. In addition, Combat Extreme™ grass seed mix uses lower-growing cultivars which means that mowing requirements and clipping yields can be reduced up to 30 percent. Receive Email Notifications for New Publications. All new varieties of tall fescue have very low amounts of the endophyte fungus or are free of it. Most turfgrass breeders rigorously screen their new selections at their test farms before they submit their entries into the national trials. Every few years, recommended tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass cultivars lists have been published on the turffiles website with those cultivars that have been released to growers for production and sale. This growth habit makes tall fescue easy to contain and keep out of flowers beds, but limits its capacity for self-repair when lawns sustain damage. It has a coarser texture than the newer varieties so it doesn't look as "golf course pretty" but I'll gladly trade a small amount of aesthetics to gain a lot more … Cooperative Extension is based at North Carolina's two land-grant institutions, Typically a cool-season type, tall fescue can also be found in hotter regions due to its ability to tolerate heat. As cool-season grasses, tall fescues establish best during late summer to early fall when cool weather supports vigorous growth. Check the seed tag to be sure of endophyte infection levels. If you are interested in viewing a complete dataset of all parameters evaluated or data just for a particular site, these data are available at the, NC Microsoft and partners may be compensated if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. As mentioned earlier, many of the cultivars not on this best performers lists can still be wonderful turfgrass selection for a North Carolina lawn. When to Plant Tall Fescue Grass Seed. Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Quick Fix Mix. Suitable for both sunny … As mentioned earlier, many of the cultivars not on this best performers lists can still be wonderful turfgrass selection for a North Carolina lawn. So when shopping for tall fescue seed, the name on the front of the bag may not represent or identify the cultivars that make up the product. Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone - This tall fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass mix produces fine to medium leaf blades which allows a dense turf to form. Simply click the Run button at the bottom of your browser. Tall Fescue grass seed is a cool-season bunch species used for home lawns, parks, and sports fields in warmer parts of the country. NC State University and NC During this time the air and soil temperatures are optimum for tall fescue germination. As mentioned earlier, many of the cultivars not on this best performers lists can still be wonderful turfgrass selection for a North Carolina lawn. Scotts® Turf Builder® Grass Seed Tall Fescue Mix provides superior heat, drought, insect and disease resistance to lawns. None of the tall fescue cultivars in our tests have been completely resistant to brown patch (Rhizoctonia spp.). This is good for consumers since they have a greater assurance that the turfgrass seed they are purchasing is going to perform similarly to other high ranking cultivars. Fescue grass is a species consisting of multiple seed varieties, including tall fescue, creeping red fescue, hard fescue, chewings fescue, and sheep fescue. This publication printed on: Dec. 20, 2020, 2020 Top Performing Tall Fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars Across the Transition Zone and North Carolina, None of the tall fescue cultivars in our tests have been completely resistant to brown patch (, These tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass trials used to develop these best performers evaluated 680 tall fescue entries and 454 Kentucky bluegrass entries. The air temperature is 70 to 80°F and soil temperatures greater than 60°F. Tall fescue germinates best when soil temperatures near 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. bag seeds … The combination of grasses is often recommended since there is no one grass that will perform well under all conditions. The result of this combination is a lawn highly resistant to traffic, more drought tolerant than bluegrass or ryegrass and able to … Tall fescue is the Swiss army knife of cool-season grasses. Tall Fescue Follow-Through. Its composition boasts of a generous amount of amino acids that release nitrogen slowly into the soil for … A few cultivars appeared in more than one test, but its performance was only noted from the most recent test. The evaluations of the datasets did not directly factor in many of the data points collected over the years, concentrating just on the evaluation of turfgrass quality. 1750 Sq. In many cases, proper establishment and maintenance of tall fescue will be a more significant factor in determining turfgrass performance than the cultivar. This should be indicated on the bag. Early spring offers the second best planting time for tall fescue seed. Turf type tall fescue seed is sold by Allied Seed. Our Triple-Play blend is a mix of three types of low growing, dark green turf-type tall fescue grass seeds. Tall Fescue Grass. The evaluations of the datasets did not directly factor in many of the data points collected over the years, concentrating just on the evaluation of turfgrass quality. A&T State University. Its extensive root system helps it withstand drought conditions. The higher the percentage of cultivars from our list in the bag, the greater the chances of obtaining/maintaining the highest quality turf possible in this climate. Kentucky Bluegrass / Tall Fescue Blend. This economical, low-maintenance blend of turf-type tall fescue varieties combines all the traditional strengths of tall fescue grasses with the best attributes of modern turf-types. Several tall fescue varieties are suitable for Missouri. An excellent choice for use on golf courses and … Tall Fescue. DOWNLOAD TALL FESCUE AGRONOMICS & RESOURCES SHEET (PDF) The best companion grass with alfalfa because they establish and mature at similar rates. 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