but this happens frequently on the Internet. definitions of entrepreneurship are diverse, but in general include the ability to create, manage and achieve targets (Jennings, 1994: 12). capabilities to organisational and market needs. The paper exploits this gap with a survey questionnaire administered on a sample of 500 state registered SMEs, whose data is examined via factor analysis and a regression model. Early studies, which were primarily focused on developed countries, on the adoption of the Internet by small and mediumsized businesses focus on various factors that were affecting the adoption of the Internet. Where site visits. The impetus for continued growth in Internet use by this group of organisations has recently become a popular topic for researchers in Information Systems and Entrepreneurship. has yet carried out integration so that messages arriving through the Internet, such as orders. In view of the media hype this topic has received over recent months, it is important for small businesses to learn from the experiences of early adopters of the Internet. URL http://www.scu.edu.au/ausweb96/business/abell/paper.htm. Although Runge and Earl, the twenty-three firms we interviewed, all but two (Firm J and Firm P) interviewees were, the most senior level in the firm. the title Friends doing business ... is an interesting study of the dynamics communication. continuous Internet use among our participants. After consolidating the main points made by participants, we attempted to. Our study provides evidence that the most crucial issues affecting ongoing Internet use, s commitment and perceived benefits. We find that they are predominantly using the Internet as a communications, and, to a lesser extent, as a document transfer and advertising channel. The most useful effects of the Internet were in information gathering and time savings, but results in advertising and sales were less encouraging. We, by describing the backgrounds of the participants in this study, and then describe the method, for the study. For more information, see “Affiliate Marketing” on page 17. relevant to Internet-related small business use. [WWW document]. Originality/value It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private and public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global Experimental Study in the Insurance Industry. We find that they are predominantly using the Internet as a communications medium and, to a lesser extent, as a document transfer and advertising channel. strategic use of the Internet by small businesses. Its business internet plans, with download speeds ranging from 35 Mbps to 100 Mbps, can compete with most other broadband providers. While such an approach is ideal for capturing larger samples, we now felt that a deeper insight into the dynamics of Internet use would help us to, to providing a measure of triangulation with the earlier study). Such website applications have resulted in the Internet being used for both academic and non-academic activities. government with its impact on entrepreneurship, exploring the positive and This chapter investigates the level of Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) website adoption and functionality and how this relates to growth aspirations, specifically the geographical expansion of customer bases. Workshop on Electronic Commerce, Brisbane, Queensland, April 5th. The most useful attributes of the Internet were information gathering and time-savings, while results on advertising and sales were less encouraging. known). Indeed, the Internet allows small businesses to, as widely with individuals or trading partners as any large corporation can. D. A. and Earl, M. J. This type of “piggy-back internationalisation” can be an effective strategy of handling foreign market dynamics in the entry phase: that is to say, the short term. The authors are trying to link the size of local in this area, research gaps and directions for future research. (1997), of the Fifth European Conference on Information Systems, T. W., Yates, J. and Benjamin, R. I. This is the first macro-level study ever conducted in Indonesia on the use of internet by MSEs based on national data from 2016 Economic Census conducted. Originality/value Although theories and models have been proposed suggesting adoption and development of e-commerce takes a staged process, with firms moving to more complex e-commerce processes after first mastering simpler forms of website, studies have found mixed evidence with regard to this. It is worth noting the Any device that is connected to a network is known as a “node.” Most modern networks contain the following nodes: 1. The results indicate that the key determinants of disruptive dig-tech adoption are ownership structure, size, education, industrial and gender. researchers all over the world, and that they become another small building The newness and dynamic nature of this area, however, means that multiple research methods are needed to obtain an in-depth understanding of the key issues. It then investigates how small business network exchange can be initiated and supported using the Internet, which in turn provides a platform for international marketing. Interoperability" and introduces new constructs that underpin the systematic Computing, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia. The invention of the fiber optic cable revolutionized the Internet making it possible for data, graphics and sound to be transmitted quickly into our homes and offices. Management enthusiasm and perceived benefits seem to be the driving force for ongoing Internet use, although we discovered little or no integration between internal applications and Internet inter-organisational functions. �0�x��5�Q���`B��se/��?��i���| e�~ -�0�3p�(�L�!vp�3�k:M�}���P����X/�/pC��� ��" endstream endobj 134 0 obj 351 endobj 112 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 105 0 R /Resources 113 0 R /Contents 117 0 R /Thumb 64 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 594 792 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 594 792 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 113 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB ] /Font << /F6 116 0 R /F8 114 0 R /F10 115 0 R /F11 119 0 R /F12 120 0 R /F14 122 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 131 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS2 124 0 R /GS3 132 0 R >> >> endobj 114 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F8 /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /Times-Italic >> endobj 115 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F10 /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /Times-Bold >> endobj 116 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F6 /Encoding /MacRomanEncoding /BaseFont /Times-Roman >> endobj 117 0 obj << /Length 1696 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream These are shown in Figure 1-2. In view of the media hype this topic has, over recent months, it is important for small businesses to learn from the experiences of, adopters of the Internet. The purpose of this paper is to explore how market factors (pertaining to institutions, competition and resources) shape the international strategies of an online retailer. of early adopters. could be processed by its internal system automatically. If you are planning to use something different then you can go for something like Mylife.com Refunds and can save yourself from further spending money on it. Advancement in communication and information technology has further strengthen the role of the internet in business. We also very much appreciate the contribution of the In fact, a large number of small, have connected to the Internet before their larger business partners (often, this paper, we provide an analysis of a series of 23 case studies of small Australian businesses, are active Internet users. Firms can achieve more fruitful results by continuously implementing resource integration strategies built on their learned experiences. He planned, use the Internet to send and receive drafting documents between his company, his customers, business partners. Most small, Internet as a communications medium in addition to the telephone, there is little integration between organisational Internet activities and internal IS, s (1991) IT-enabled business transformation, we propose that the Internet-to-internal-systems integration process starts from the inter-, dimension and finishes at the internal exploitation dimension. Essentially, small firms on-line believed that the Internet is important in terms of competitiveness, although some of their early expectations about the ability of SBIC to generate instant competitive advantage had, Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Until the end of the eighties, Internet was mainly used by American researchers and academicians, but in the present decade, since it began to become popular among all kind of persons, it has grown at an unrestrained pace, which makes a census in Internet as impossible to carry out as counting the heads in a riot. As an extreme example, the director of Firm Q even suggested. The widespread use of the internet in business has opened up new opportunities for brand building and advertising. The inseparable aspect of entrepreneurship research is innovation. Internet Communication For A Non-manufacturing Small Business. interconnected sub-ontologies, refers to the key dimensions of successful The relationships between direct, indirect. Despite evident benefits, little is known from a high-income transition economy perspective. The there are real benefits to be obtained from an inter-organis ational electronic trading strategy founded on EDI as the enabling mechanism - benefits which are considerably more extensive than EDI's comparatively simple technical nature would appear to offer; ! USE OF THE INTERNET IN EDUCATION: INTRODUCTION “It’s not enough to know something; it’s more important to know why and how”. Use of the internet is essential if you want to build secure corporate networks, such as: They also generate new insights into the use of possible international expansion strategies for managers in retail SMEs. corporate entrepreneurship, as proposed by the author. In common with these authors, we also found, perceived benefits formed a key reason why the participants in our study adopted and, using the Internet. But, only a small fraction of total MSEs in Indonesia that utilize the internet for business, and the intensity of internet usage by MSEs varies by province and type of business. However, this situation is, The Three Stages of Internet-to-internal Application, to improve as packaged software (eg. And, fact, Firm K was using the Internet to communicate with those customers who favour email, management support and enthusiasm for small business IT success has been. Because of the organisational characteristics of our participants (namely micro-to-small, and our intention (which was to identify common denominators), we felt it more, with all research methodologies, the results obtained from case studies are imperfect. issue. twenty-three Australian small businesses which were, Small Business Use of the Internet : Findings from Australian Case Studies, importance of the Internet to small business is reflected by the increasing number of research. For example, the group of Internet-, businesses often used the Internet to deliver their products (eg. each firm should be positive towards Internet use as a result of their experiences; the group should contain firms from a variety of geographic locations. ach interview lasted for about an hour and the discussions were recorded as a series of field, and subsequently transcribed into more detailed accounts, which were then verified with the, study participants for accuracy. In our, for example, the lack of quantitative evidence, by the participants (such as the additional revenue generated by using the Internet), or, assumption that the interviewees were honest in their responses. Although many small, researchers have investigated factors which contribute to successful IT use by SMEs, 1992), many of the factors they identified are not, data analysis process involves identifying patterns in the participants, questions. Any kind of information on any topic is available on the Internet. Design/methodology/approach: This research utilised a case-study design, incorporating multiple case examples, applying non-probability purposive selection criteria. One prevalent computer networking method was based on the central mainframe method, simply allowing its terminals to be connected via long leased lines. According to the rate of business development on the, short term benefits should be realised within a few months, whereas long term benefits, A Framework of Perceived Benefits Related To, findings confirm that small businesses were not reaping significant short term benefits. paper was published in the proceedings of"PAWEC'97, the1st Pacific Asia, use among small businesses has recently become a popular topic for researchers in the, of Information Systems and Entrepreneurship. Mohammad Zarei's article is a neat combination of competition from The authors provide propositions based upon the findings to support further research in the international marketing and international retailing literature. er, N. (1994) The Internet as a Reach Generator for Small Business. Knowledge is only one side of the coin, experience is where the effect of product (or service) specificity related to Internet use can be measured by, how much the customer would be satisfied with an electronic version of the actual, Our findings lead us to believe that if the usefulness of the product or service is preserved, enhanced when delivered in digital form, then the small business itself, its customers and, partners would tend to use the Internet more. rivalry, but cooperation based on the deliberate selection of partners within 3. Firm G, N, Q) or Internet-spawned, (ie. We believe both direct and indirect benefits can also be further, into short and long term benefits. Practical implications Concentrated shareholding, small size, male-gender and family ownership exert a negative impact on disruptive dig-tech adoption. The internet is widely used in organization for marketing and promotion of products and services. businesses using the Internet to compete with rivals. However, few of these projects have focused on the small business ... began to wane. In this paper we present the results of case study research involving, still users. PhD Thesis, School of, Sixth International Conference on Electronic, Information Technology and organizational Transformation, IT-Enabled Business Transformation: From Transformation to Business, s Not in the Mail: Strategies for Electronic, N. and Zaheer, A. Some characteristics of the Internet include: organisation (a definition which applies even to distributed information systems); force small businesses to use proprietary EDI environments. 1.Buy and Sell: One of the basic uses of the Internet for businesses is to sell products and services. Most participants believed not having, Internet presence (most referred to an email address and a webpage) will soon become a, obvious that industry and product specificity have influenced how involved they were, using the Internet to support their business operations. Even so, email-based communication constitutes only a relatively small, (often quoted at less than 20% for non-IT related participants) of the total amount of. Thus, findings of this study may add new empirical evidence to the literature on the utilization of ICT by MSMEs in developing countries. on high technology. partners or even their children, and gradually gained experience through experimentation. Since none of the participants gathered data on how the Internet, in each of these stages, we were unable to undertake a quantitative analysis of benefits, from Internet use. A total of five in-depth, structured 90-min to two-hour case interviews were conducted with Italian entrepreneurs, in which four out of the five cases selected are goods-oriented, and one is services oriented. Finally, we, that further research needs to be carried out to study the relationship of factors which, Business Use of the Internet in New Zealand: An Exploratory. Internet technology is also used in closed networks to support intranets within an organization and extranets, which link … Swatman. Here, the research question is twofold: whether women (1994) Multiple Perspectives of Entrepreneurship: Text, Readings and Cases. We hope the articles presented here will be of interest to readers and All rights reserved. contribute to successful use of the Internet by small businesses. term, as these determine technological or market opportunities. to wane. One potential explanation for this slow uptake of true e-commerce is a lack of employees with basic and advanced IT skills. document]. the group and reciprocity of exchange. In fact, we have observed that, benefits and the degree of organisational process adjustment, is that for complete Internet-internal application integration to occur, there needs to be a. significant organisational and sector-wide transformation. INTRODUCTION Internet Commerce (IC) is promoted as a major business revolution that will change the future of the global economy. For this. 1������@�r�Q�@L��=_?-��ݼ���`. The main factors determining the process of generating creative ideas and The latest article by Apar Gosavi looks at businesses through the prism of single use. 2. which entrepreneurship problems are dealt with from different research In order to apply entrepreneurship to Internet use, a small business needs, and market/competitor (external) analysis to map Internet, all of our participants were applying entrepreneurship to their Internet use to, me extent. There are may ways to use Internet in Business. ... Knoblock (1995) asserts that information generation requires a large number of distributed, heterogeneous sensing sources. Management, and perceived benefits seem to be the driving force for ongoing Internet use, although, discovered little or no integration between internal applications and Internet inter-, functions. terms "internet" and "World Wide Web" are often used interchangeably—but they're actually not the same thing. - combined with my involvement as a researcher member with Bellberry Ltd and my academic focus on social media, has given me a particular interest in the intersection of these two areas. This is not organisational gateways utilising an Application Generic approach to system integration and isolating the communications issue by insisting on the use of international data communications standards do offer a realistic and successful solution to the problem of internal and external trade for large and sophisticated organisations; ! Another example is Firm I, whose owner was interested, customer demographic profiles, he found that there was an ongoing increase in overseas. Commercial use restrictions of the Internet were lifted in 1991. The added value is that the research exploitation. Thesecase study reports were closely examined to identify patterns of, case study research method, when applied to larger organisations on issues which affect, parties, often requires the investigator to interact with multiple interviewees over a period, time. and Mead provide a clear rationale for the use of this approach: desirable when the intent of the research is description, theory building, or theory testing ... designs allow for cross-case analysis and the extension of theory. Data Interchange and Interorganizational Systems. reviewers for their commitment, often multiple, which has enhanced the The Need To Apply Entrepreneurship To Internet Use. The latest The cooperative nature of EDI is its major differentiating characteristic - EDI cannot offer a sustainable competitive advantage as did the earlier, competitive information systems but it can be used to reengineer the business processes of its adopter and thus to confer a long-term, strategic and comparative advantage upon such an adopter. three cases. Internet use from one that is associated with learning to that of a socializing facility. PDF | The growth of the Internet in the world provides many opportunities to many people around the world ... the use of the Internet is mainly for social and ... Business solutions. We are pleased to present to you the latest edition of JEMI (Issue 2nd) in and if so, whether it affects productivity and sales volumes. Design/methodology/approach 7. Swatman, 1996). Based on our interaction with the twenty-three small businesses, we, that entrepreneurship will produce the second-order effects which lead to ongoing, in Internet use. It also reviews key literature on the use of ICT by MSMEs in developing countries. The IT industry group also used the. its grounded recognition will allow even more matching of products and Although Venkatraman, that the different stages are sequentially connected, this is implied by examples showing, s model to the extent that when small businesses use the, to improve their strategic position, a stage-based transformation process takes place. the comments of the reviewers has enabled them to further improve the In turn, the role of users in the innovation process is the focus of Maria used by home and small business users include dialup, DSL, cable, and satellite connections. Such improvements made them more competitive and, effect kept the advanced Internet user firms exploring the Internet for assistance in further, of their business dealings. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. However, we believe that, another (survey-based) study conducted with this group, incorporating common trends in Internet use (such as traffic statistics) to provide a, section provides a summarised discussion of the result highlights. The article by Ruslan Harasym, Jacek Rodzinka, and Tomasz Skica is an Table 1 (see Appendix A) provides a summary of the twenty-three firms, business sectors; the services and products they provided; staffing; turnover (in, number of years they have been using the Internet; and the key reasons expressed for their, sample was deliberately chosen from a variety of business sectors, so that we could, the existence of sector-independent issues. Figure 1-2 Internet Connection Technology for Home and Small Business Chapter 1: The Internet and Its Uses 5 Cable Satellite Satellite Modem Cable Modem DSL Modem Dialup Modem 512 kbps 512 kbps Coaxi al Cable Telephone Line The Need for Internet-to-Internal Systems Integration, Although all firms were using the Internet for information. We have identified a number of possible reasons for this lack of integration: Minimum Internet-to-internal application integration, (purely inter-organisational exploitation), Limited Internet-to-internal application integration, Full Internet-to-internal application integration. Router 4. (C. Rodgers, G. Freiburg Freedom Learn) The Internet swiftly entered the life of the humankind in the 20th century. block in future scientific and practical research. Expanding the sample may generate a wider diversity of industrial sectors and yield meaningful insights. the functioning of businesses. Before we even dive into how those photos got onto your phone, we need to understand what makes up a network.Networks are groups of interconnected devices. He has not been able to achieve this so far because of stubborn resistance, both his customers and business partners. the kind of power relationships between large and small companies which, at least not yet! The, focusing on this topic world-wide. Information Systems Research 1(3), 111-130. Her research is on the literature research study, Masters Thesis, Inter-Organization Information Sharing Systems. we have minimised these effects (and maximised the validity of our results) by: with the present results to form an holistic set of overall results; and. For example, the answers from the majority of participants all point to the need to. Online Banking. This development is, s model because it suggests IT transformation starts from local, compared to traditional internal application systems, the Internet is a tool upon which users, build their IT processes. Practical implications It seems that the positive trend of Internet business development, the Internet. Such systems are, specific to the individual organisation and only rarely provide access to inter-, activities. Purpose: The main objective of this research was to identify the key critical determinants of internationalisation business processes that entrepreneurs adopted in under-supported policy contexts. Lamyaa EL BASSITI’paper introduces a new concept of "Innovation This paper investigates the determinants of disruptive digital technology adoption by SMEs the UAE. alliance partners. exchange, for example, auction item images, publicity proposals and design documents), the digital document can reach their target audiences much faster than their paper-based. This is important in the provision of, criteria applied when selecting this group of small businesses included a requirement, firm should conform to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (Castles, 1993), of a small business, which is commonly used to characterise small business in. The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into the overarching role of learning capabilities by presenting a framework to describe how learning capability development is captured by combining the three main elements of internal marketing orientation, exploratory capabilities and resource recombination. By this, mean that when we asked our participants if there was sufficient return directly resulting from, Internet that they can cover their connection costs, the answer was normally either a, However, most of the participants saw that online purchases and transactions were only, way the Internet could be used to support their businesses. Reliance upon relationships, however, may paradoxically inhibit retailers’ abilities to stay competitive in the post-entry phase (i.e. In addition to these static gains, firms may use Internet-based electronic commerce to create added value by producing new products, adopting completely new business practices, or changing the 2 On a recent trip to a Tokyo bookstore, one of the authors counted 14 English language magazines devoted to the Internet. of companies, there was a gap between inter-organisational and internal IS activities. . A more comprehen-sive definition of e-business is: “ The transformation of an organization’s processes to This article draws on concepts of competitive advantage and on experience gained from successful innovations to generate classifications and a framework to guide the search for opportunities. majority of researchers undertaking analyses of inter-organisational systems (see, for, Barrett and Konsynski, 1982; Cash and Konsynski, 1985; Cash, 1985; Malone, and Kambil, 1991; Swatman, 1993) have made use of single or multiple case, using interviews to gather data. quality of the entire editorial process and the final version of this JEMI Research limitations/implications: The data gathered for this paper depends on self-announcing, expanding the likelihood of being one-sided for social desirability answers. the majority of these achievements would have been either unlikely or totally impossible without BHP Steel's commitment to organisation- wide Business Process Redesign. and facsimile, although advertising and marketing are also driving Internet use. A Framework of Perceived Benefits Related To Internet Use. implementing innovations are, according to the authors, the cohesiveness of PDF | Internet use among small businesses has recently become a popular topic for researchers in the fields of Information Systems and Entrepreneurship.... | Find, … This paper examines the case of (arguably) the most sophisticated EDI-using company in Australia, BHP Steel, demonstrating the advantages to be obtained by an organisation using EDI as a foundation for its re-engineered organisational structure and business processes and concludes that: ! C. L. Benbasat, I. and Dexter, A. S. (1995). However, they have been of value when combined with an appreciation of the competitive dynamics of specific industries and a grasp of the power of information. This paper discusses why the Internet is particularly important for small business international marketing. Internet use among small businesses has recently become a popular topic for researchers in the fields of Information Systems and Entrepreneurship. attract new visitors. 1. researchers interested in the computing activities of small businesses (see, for example. may take longer and can evolve into different forms. The potential of the Internet to both geographically expand customer bases and provide a source of growth has led to a rapid embracement of the Internet by a majority of small businesses in the United Kingdom. by many authors (see, for example, DeLone, 1988; Martin, 1989; Yap, and King, 1993). This example clearly illustrates the intricate, between factors which govern the success of small business Internet use. authors' approach to quantifying the size of self-government administration. Because the Internet is so simply designed, people can easily use it to run new "applications"—new things that run on top of the basic computer network. 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