Running test cases in Azure Cloud Shell requires executing different commands in various directories. Description This Terraform module creates a standardised load balancer and availability set. Terraform modules incorporate encapsulation that's useful in implementing … By using the filters, you can vie… It's important to implement quality assurance when you create Terraform modules. These modules leverage popular providers from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and several others. Because we are using SSH to access the protected repository, we need to configure our pipeline with the information to connect using SSH. You could use … So if the repo is on Azure DevOps, then the hostname will be “”. Before you begin, you'll need to set up the following: 1. Let’s take a module that looks like this: To switch to using Git, we will swap out the source for our Git URL: If you are using HTTPS against an unauthenticated repository, then that is all you need to do. Using the SSH key will give you the same rights as the user who’s account this key belongs to, so use them carefully. JavaScript is Disabled. Now that we have the SSH keys set up, and our Terraform files are referencing the Git repo using SSH, that is all we need to do. Learn how to use Terraform to reliably provision virtual machines and other infrastructure on Azure. Note that if the load_balancer rules … Using a pipeline to deploy your Terraform code is relatively standard, but it presents some challenges when trying to access code in protected Git repositories. The first thing we need is the private key we generated earlier, which will be used to authenticate. Terraform on Azure documentation. On the results page, filters can be used further refine search results. In this article we are going to take a look at how this works, in particular, we are going to look at how we can use this from within Azure DevOps pipelines. This Terraform module deploys a Virtual Network in Azure with a subnet or a set of subnets passed in as input parameters. Similarly, the code below will use the v1.0.0 tag: Sam Cogan is a solution architect and Microsoft Azure MVP based in the UK. This change is as simple as changing the “source” field in the module reference to a Git URL rather than a path. We looked at all the most popular testing infrastructures and chose Terratest to use for testing our Terraform modules. tfOptions makes all Terraform commands that target the ./examples/hello-world/ folder. Terratest is implemented as a Go library. Example path:\/terraform-module-scaffold/. Azure subscription. Go developers probably will notice that the unit test matches the signature of a classic Go test function by accepting an argument of type *testing.T. Unit tests are local running test cases (although internet access is required). TL;DR – Terraform is blocked by Storage Account firewall (if enabled) when deploying File Share. Open a command prompt and run the command below, replacing the email with your email. For example, you can use mage unit or mage clean. We need to store this securely, as this is the file that grants us access. To be able to use our modules directly from Git, the first thing we need to do is amend our Terraform configurations that call those modules to reference Git instead. This command will ask you where to create the files, and then to supply a passphrase. It accepts one input, website_name, which is also the input of the unit tests. Create a basic network in Azure. Terraform on Azure documentation. If you need to access an authenticated repository using SSH, then there are some extra steps to take. The static webpage module accepts three inputs. You are now set up to use SSH keys with your account. claranet / regions Terraform module to handle Azure Regions We use Terratest and classic Go test functions again in the integration test file ./test/hello_world_example_test.go. In this section, we focus on the three files that are marked with an asterisk (*) in the following folder structure: Let's start with the samples. The Terraform Registry hosts thousands of self-contained packages called modules. If you are creating modules, then you should be version controlling them. We don't show the code here. Hence, if we put all our resources, backend calls and outputs … Terratest provides a collection of helper functions and patterns for common infrastructure testing tasks, like making HTTP requests and using SSH to access a specific virtual machine. We have deployed a full CI/CD pipeline in Azure DevOps that is deploying our infrastructure into Azure using Terraform. The file ./test/fixtures/storage-account-name/ is the test case frame. The file includes the Azure provider (azurerm) in the provider block and defines an Azure resource group. To be able to access an authenticated Git repo using SSH, we need to set up an SSH key that will give us access. Azure subscription. This landing zone uses standard components known as Terraform modules to enforce consistency across resources deployed in the environment. Files marked with an asterisk (*) are the primary focus in this section. Please enable Javascript to use this application In Terraform v0.10 and earlier there was no explicit way to use different configurations of a provider in different modules in the same configuration, and so module authors commonly worked around this by writing provider blocks directly inside their modules, making the module … When it comes to using these modules in your Terraform configurations, ideally you want to avoid downloading and packaging these files manually, so Terraform has a nice feature where you can configure your modules to be pulled straight from your Git repo. Before we can walk through the import process, we will need some existing infrastructure in our Azure account. This blog is going to continue with the… The bug fixes made by Azure or the Terraform provider will be implemented in the published modules so that the production stacks that use it can be able to have it only by version … (Only the first four of these environment variables are required.) Unlike unit tests, integration tests create actual resources in Azure. 3. Now when we run the Terraform file, using something like the Terraform or Bash task, it will use the installed keys automatically to check out the modules directly from Git. The next bit of information we need is the “known host entry”. In contrast to unit tests, integration tests must provision resources to a real environment for an end-to-end perspective. The rest of this section describes how we use Terratest to implement a unit test to make sure that the logic used to convert storage account names is correct. This result file is parsed to a code-readable structure by using the official Terraform plan parser. Before you begin, you'll need to set up the following: 1. The examples folder contains some end-to-end samples. There's one significant difference: the sample also prints out the URL of the uploaded HTML as a webpage named homepage. But it's your decision whether to use unit tests or integration tests in a scenario. TL;DR – Terraform is blocked by Storage Account firewall (if enabled) when deploying File Share. To run the integration tests, complete the following steps on the command line: The traditional Go test result returns in about two minutes. In that case, you can simplify magefiles across all your modules by referencing only a common implementation and declaring dependencies (mg.Deps()). A new sample folder named hello-world/ is created in the ./examples/ folder. Terraform publishes a list of environment variable names. Once this is done, you should find two keys are created in your requested location: Open up the Azure DevOps portal, click on the Settings icon on the top right, then go to “SSH Public Keys”. This tutorial introduces a testing infrastructure and best practices that we adopted when we built our Azure Terraform modules. Verified modules are reviewed by HashiCorp toensure stability and compatibility. In the body of the unit test, we have a total of five cases that are defined in variable testCases (key as input, and value as expected output). With mage, you could also share the steps by using the Go package system. Unit test cases execute terraform init and terraform plan commands to parse the output of terraform plan and look for the attribute values to compare. I have been doing lots of cool stuff lately, and one of the more interesting is digging in to Terraform IaC on Azure with Azure DevOps. Optional: Set service principal environment variables to run acceptance tests. We are interested only in the files marked with an asterisk (*). Each module reduces time spent on delivering cloud resources by allowing consumers to provide a handful of inputs with minimal coding efforts. If your working with Terraform you are eventually going to start writing your own modules. The module does not create nor expose a security group. For example: If we want to use a specific version or tag, all we need to do is amend the URL used in our Terraform configuration to use the “ref” attribute to specify the branch or tag name. Because these are sensitive variables, we will create them using the variable pane in the pipeline. Terraform also publishes detailed instructions that explain how to obtain the value of these environment variables. Azure Cloud Shell. The logic is shown here: The major component is the implementation of the unit tests in ./test/storage_account_name_unit_test.go. Before you begin, you'll need to set up the following: 1. It is very helpful to have an understand of how state files work, refer to my other blog on state files and start there. 2. Then, terraform init, terraform apply, and terraform output are executed, one by one. ; Assign the "Resource Policy Contributor" built-in role for least amount of privileges required for the resources in this module… This module gives users from around the world access to the webpage through a URL that the module returns. For example, the code below will get the module from the develop branch. Copy the address in the address bar ( CTRL + L, CTRL + C) Find the module … Generally, if you are accessing an unsecured Git repo, then using HTTPS is easiest. Now that we have all the values we need, we can create the pipeline. See the example-hub and example-spoke repositories for fuller examples, including how the outputs are used by the terraform-azurerm-linux-vm and terraform-azurerm-linux-vmss modules. While in the module folder directory, run terraform init to initialize the directory and pull down the Azure provider. Achieving full CI/CD. Azure subscription. If you run Terraform Init now, it should download your required modules for you ready to use. Input variables to accept values fromthe calling module. For that purpose, Terratest provisions real resources in a real environment. HCL 1 0 1 0 … Create a base Terraform configuration file. Where SSH can come in useful is if you are trying to access a secured repository, such as those hosted in Azure DevOps or Github private repos. The sample code in this article does not work with version 0.12 (and greater). The logic that converts storage account names that we refer to in the preceding section is a good example. To do this, we will use the secure file storage option in Azure DevOps. Sometimes you may want to check out the module from a specific branch or tag. Now we have our Git URL we can update the reference in the Terraform file. The following files are generated, and may be copied into new Terraform root modules to quickly make use of the service principal, key vault and storage account. The first thing we need to do is create some variables to hold the data we collected above. You can use Azure Terraform modules to create reusable, composable, and testable components. Terraform modules incorporate encapsulation that's useful in implementing infrastructure as code processes. First, create a new folder named staticwebpage under your GoPath src folder. Generated Python modules for Terraform’s AWS provider is resides in imports directory. For each unit test case, we first run terraform init and target the test fixture folder (./test/fixtures/storage-account-name/). We will look at how to do this in Azure DevOps. Re-usable modules are defined using all of the sameconfiguration language concepts we use in root modules.Most commonly, modules use: 1. We need to create the following: Now we have the variables setup we can create our pipeline. The inputs are declared in ./ As we mentioned earlier in the article, this module also outputs a URL that's declared in ./ The main logic of the module provisions four resources: The static webpage module logic is implemented in ./ Terratest is designed for integration tests. One slight problem, upon destroying the… To avoid working with real data, why not test those samples as integration tests? These modules are free to use, and Terraform can download … But, we don't really need to provision any resources. We only want to make sure that the naming conversion logic is correct. The following list describes some of the major advantages of using Terratest: In this tutorial, you create a Terraform module that provisions a static webpage by uploading a single HTML file to an Azure Storage blob. The bug fixes made by Azure or the Terraform provider will be implemented in the published modules so that the production stacks that use it can be able to have it only by version bumps. This command will return some text; we need to copy the line that is not commented out. Output values to return results to thecalling module, which it can then use to populate arguments elsewhere. In this build script, written in Go, we implement five build steps: You can use the following commands to execute a full test suite. The only thing required by mage is magefile.go in your project's root directory (marked with (+) in the following example): Here's an example of ./magefile.go. Each module … terraform-azurerm-network. Thanks to the flexibility of Terratest, we can use unit tests. You can replace the last command line with additional mage steps. Deploying Re-usable Code In my series of Terraform, from the basics to the more advanced topics, we’re going to cover off Modules. You can use Azure Terraform modules to create reusable, composable, and testable components. If you are using https then your Git URL is going to look something like this: Whichever option you wish to use, make a note of the URL. Pipfile and Pipfile.lock are for pipenv to record & lock installed module versions & requirements. If you are creating modules, … Modules allow for packaging your Terraform code and logic into a re-usable unit of work that you can then share with others, or just re-use yourself. »Modules Hands-on: Try the Reuse Configuration with Modules collection on HashiCorp Learn. We use the helper function to make sure that HTML is uploaded to the output homepage URL that's returned by terraform output. The Terraform Registry hosts a broad collection of publicly available Terraform modules for configuring many kinds of common infrastructure. Terraform's template-based configuration files enable you to define, provision, and configure Azure resources in a repeatable and predictable manner. Be sure to check out the prerequisites on "Getting Started with Terraform on Azure: Deploying Resources"for a guide on how to set this up. We use another helper function, HttpGetWithCustomValidation(), which is provided by Terratest. To make this process more efficient, we introduce the build system in our project. We can use OpenSSH to do this which is available on most systems. Terraform in its declarative form, will read the ‘’ file from top down and then call each resource or module from our script. Modules are containers for multiple resources that are used together. 2. Therefore, the first step of the testing logic is to generate a randomized websiteName by using the UniqueId() function provided by Terratest. Note that unlike PAT tokens, you cannot scope SSH keys. Future solution: establish agent pool inside network boundaries. This Terraform module deploys a Virtual Network in Azure with a subnet or a set of subnets passed in as input parameters. 2020-03-14. Now we have our Terraform code referencing Git, and we have SSH keys setup we can look at getting our Azure DevOps pipeline to be able to run this Terraform. The following files are generated, and may be copied into new Terraform root modules to … This information identifies the server we want to connect to and tells Azure DevOps to trust it so that it does not try and prompt us to ask if this is ok. To get this, we can run the following command: You should replace “” with the actual hostname of what we are connecting to. Azure Cloud Shell. Sometimes, integration test jobs can become exceptionally large, especially when you have a large number of resources to provision. The Terraform Registry hosts thousands of self-contained packages called modules. The first task will be to set up the SSH key, so Terraform can use it, using the “Install SSH Key” task. A good practice is to use the Terraform module as a collection of Terraform resources that serves a specific … Unfortunately, limited documentation is available to explain how to author unit tests and integration tests in Terraform modules. (Pay special attention to some globally unique names like storage account names.) To call a module means to include the contents of that module into theconfiguration with specific values for itsinput variables. Current solution: deploy file share with template. A module consists of a collection of .tf and/or .tf.json files kept together in a directory.. Modules are the main way to package and reuse resource configurations with Terraform. Enter any type of module you're looking for (examples: "vault","vpc", "database") and resulting modules will be listed. Refer to the for a full list of the possible options and default values. Instead of executing az login before tests, you can complete Azure authentication by setting the service principal environment variables. terraform-azurerm-load-balancer Creates a basic load balancer, backend pool, list of rules and probes. Using an SSH key is often easier than trying to work with credentials over HTTP, especially when you are looking to run your Terraform code on a non-windows machine, like a Linux build agent. 2. The first thing we need to do is generate a key pair that we will then use for authentication. We even have the ability to destroy our infrastructure using 'Terraform Destroy' so that we can break down and rebuild our infrastructure on demand. The Yaml looks like this: If the name of the secure file you uploaded earlier is not “id_rsa”, then replace this with the actual name. Azure Cloud Shell. Be sure to check out the prerequisites on "Getting Started with Terraform on Azure: Deploying Resources"for a guide on how to set this up. We will look at using SSH to authenticate later in this article. Learn how to use Terraform to reliably provision virtual machines and other infrastructure on Azure. The code is similar to the running steps we used in an earlier section. If your working with Terraform you are eventually going to start writing your own modules. Please enable javascript and refresh the page Every page on the registry has a search field for findingmodules. Typically, we prefer to use unit tests for complex logic by using Terraform HCL functions. It's a good idea to embed dep commands and az login in the magefile. Using Terraform Modules from Git in Azure DevOps. Click the “New Key” button. Azure, Terraform If your working with Terraform you are eventually going to start writing your own modules. Sounds idyllic right? Registry . Automating infrastructure has several benefits: Lowers the potential for human errors while deploying and managing infrastructure. In the top menu, click the “Secure Files” option. Modules allow for packaging your Terraform code and logic into a re-usable unit of work that you can then share with others, or just re-use yourself. Terratest does a good job with this kind of task. The Terraform sample ./examples/hello-world/ is similar to the one shown in the unit test. This passphrase is just a password to protect your keys. We compare the HTTP GET status code with 200 and look for some keywords in the HTML content. Azure, Terraform. The overall folder structure of this tutorial is shown in the following example. That's why you need to be careful to avoid naming conflicts. Modules are self-contained packages of Terraform configurations that are managed as a group. For Terraform-specific support, use one of HashiCorp's community support channels to Terraform: standard Terraform module folder structure, obtain the value of these environment variables, Terraform section of the HashiCorp community portal, Terraform Providers section of the HashiCorp community portal. Below is a list of commands to run in Azure CloudShell using Azure CLI in the Bas… Then run terraform import with the following syntax to import the three resources managed by the importlab module: Here, we provide a simple HTML page to be uploaded: ./examples/hello-world/index.html. About Terraform on Azure Overview About Terraform on Azure; Architecture Terraform Azure Provider; Install and configure Terraform Get Started Configure Terraform using Azure … You could also run both unit tests and integration tests by executing these commands: Integration tests take much longer than unit tests (two minutes for one integration case compared to one minute for five unit cases). Automating infrastructure has … Finally, terraform destroy is "promised" to be executed by leveraging the defer feature of Go. In the page that opens enter a name for your key, then in the “Public Key Data” field paste in the content of the file, we created earlier. Current solution: deploy file share with template. Open a browser and navigate to the terraform-module-scaffold repository. Supports an object of defaults, and outputs are suitable for the VM and VMSS modules. Next, a terraform plan command that uses specific test case input (take a look at the website_name definition in tfOptions) saves the result to ./test/fixtures/storage-account-name/terraform.tfplan (not listed in the overall folder structure). The Cloud Adoption Framework foundations landing zone for Terraform provides features to enforce logging, accounting, and security. Best practices for Terraform modules include installing the examples folder. Future solution: establish agent pool inside network boundaries. Create and apply a Terraform execution plan to "run" your … Accessing a Git repo can be done using HTTPS or SSH. Click the plus button, then browse and upload the id_rsa file we created earlier. It also makes sure that website_name is set to the randomized websiteName. I have been doing lots of cool stuff lately, and one of the more interesting is digging in to Terraform IaC on Azure with Azure … The URL we used in the Terraform files above will checkout the module from the master branch of your repository. bootstrap/; In this guide, we will be importing some pre-existing infrastructure into Terraform. Azure authentication with a service principal and least privilege. Terraform's template-based configuration files enable you to define, provision, and configure Azure resources in a repeatable and predictable manner. Modules Modules are self-contained packages of Terraform configurations that are managed as a group. In your Azure DevOps project go to the pipeline’s section, then library. The search querywill look at module name, provider, and description to match your searchterms. This function generates a random name that has lowercase letters, uppercase letters, or numbers. These modules leverage popular providers from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and several others. How to use Terratest to test Infrastructure as Code Terraform modules on Azure. Create all files that are described in this section under your GOPATH location. First, we use an empty HTML file named ./test/fixtures/storage-account-name/empty.html as a placeholder. Deploys 1+ Virtual Machines to your provided VNet This Terraform module deploys Virtual Machines in Azure with the following characteristics: Ability to specify a simple string to get the latest … By default, only verified modulesare shown in search results. You should see the, and Now, we look for the attributes we're interested in (in this case, the name of the azurerm_storage_account) and compare the results with the expected output: To run the unit tests, complete the following steps on the command line: The traditional Go test result returns in about a minute. We usually use integration tests for the end-to-end perspective of a user. In this section, we use a Go build system, mage, for the job. 2. Questions, use-cases, and useful patterns. Be sure to check out the prerequisites on "Getting Started with Terraform on Azure: Deploying Resources"for a guide on setting up Azure Cloud Shell. "git::", "git::ssh://", known_host - this contains the text from the ssh-keyscan we collected above, ssh_public_key - paste into this the content of the file, ssh_passphrase - if you created a passphrase when you generated your key, enter this here, Your working on developing a new version of the module on a branch and want to test it, You have tagged the release of your module with the version number so that you can run a specific version. You can setup a new Azure service principal to your subscription for Terraform to use. Modules allow for packaging your Terraform code and logic into a re-usable unit of work that you can then share with others, or just re-use yourself. And configure Azure resources in a repeatable and predictable manner sensitive variables, we use another function! Defer feature of Go the service principal and least privilege that module into theconfiguration with specific values for variables! 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