I guess I have noticed those women who tend to hide behind their clothes, like maybe if they are big and baggy enough then no one will notice them or see what’s going on with them. At the end of the week, the owner of the shop offers her a choice: She can be paid with cash, or with her choice of two pieces of clothing. A new study suggests what many women have experienced: dressing in nicer clothes makes you feel better. Having found that women are more likely to wear jeans when feeling low or depressed , Pine explores how clothing … ( Log Out /  “In fact, it becomes a hassle and waste of time. Well then skinny jeans here I come. “So the value in our clothing is profound.”, Caroline Adams Miller, a professional coach, author of “Creating Your Best Life” and a graduate of University of Pennsylvania’s Master’s in Applied Positive Psychology program, said in an email that baggy clothes in general can indicate more of a lackluster mood. It takes another 20 times meeting that person to change that original perception,’” Froiland said. sports teams that wear all black act more aggressively),” Pine said. ( Log Out /  ( Log Out /  What is revealed seems fairly obvious,” Heathman said. “Whenever I talk to a group, large or small, I always start out my presentation with telling everyone that ‘It’s in less than 3 minutes someone has already decided who and what you are. One of the most famous color theorists, Faber Birren, wrote extensively on the link between colors and our emotional state, particularly in his book Color Psychology and Color Theory. Show your confidence, intelligence, and personality in the way you act, what you say, and how you interact with others. A convenience sample of 300 employed women from Govt., semi Govt., and private colleges, schools, offices and hospitals was selected for the study. Your clothing and outfit choices can affect your personality, mood, and emotions. An ASSOCIATION does not mean one thing causes another at all. “Jeans can signal that the wearer hasn’t bothered with their appearance. “As I mentioned before, when we are depressed or sad, we’re not focused on how we look. Most importantly, this research suggests that we can dress for happiness, but that might mean ditching the jeans.”. Sign Up and Get Listed. Seven Mistakes People Often Make When They Get Depressed The researchers also found that 73% of women in the study “shopped for clothes at least every few months.” Most women in the study (96%) “believed that what they wear affects how confident they feel,” according to the news release. If we knew more about which clothes could lift a person’s mood perhaps there’d be less need for anti-depressant medication.”, Shauna Mackenzie Heathman, a certified image consultant and owner of Mackenzie Image Consulting in South Carolina, said in an email that the results of the study are expected. It is interesting that many women wear them a lot but there’s still a variation according to mood. The choices we make, the actions we take, and the perceptions we have are all influenced by the emotions … Feb 4, 2014 - The results of a recent study suggesting women who wear jeans and baggy clothes are more likely to be depressed have been mixed. Friday, September 21, 2018. We'll focus on: emotional decision-making, identity, and social identity. “The strong link between clothing and mood state suggests we should put on clothes that we associate with happiness, even when feeling low,” according to the news release. In the study, 51% of women would wear jeans when they felt sad or depressed, and only 33% of women would wear jeans when they felt happy or positive, according to the news release. Dressing up can take extra effort, but it also feels good, especially if you receive extra compliments. Also, the psychology of color comes into play much more than the study presents. Apparently this stream of opinions is one-sided, probably because those who review for many of the Frontiers journals do not follow this stream. It takes away the focus from the daily tasks that are important—work, relationships, family. Alright, I linked up, no just waiting for more links so I can comment too! “Because men tend to stick to a limited wardrobe, emotional states can be read in the choices of colors and the slight changes in what they normally wear,” Stellhorn said. Dressing simply becomes function versus adornment or fun.”, She said that people shouldn’t necessarily make assumptions about the feelings and emotions of another person based on their clothing though. Wear whatever makes you happy, to heck with what anyone else thinks:). She said that the research didn’t go into certain details, like the fact that some women are more into a “jeans and T-shirt” type of fashion, and other women wear skirts and dresses every day as part of their style. Be found at the exact moment they are searching. “Perhaps in other parts of the country or for older generations, jeans that are not designer jeans and that are more comfortable than flattering are a go-to for depressive states. Dressing is an important and controllable way to communicate one's values, particularly rich in emotional and psychosocial consequences. She describes the link between women’s moods and their clothing choices. By commenting you acknowledge acceptance of GoodTherapy.org's Terms and Conditions of Use. Your life belongs to you. “It’s not that jeans specifically suggest sadness, but that the desire to throw on a pair of jeans can indicate that life’s been too chaotic, there are too many choices and we want some quiet stillness to contemplate what’s ahead,” Stellhorn said. It is interesting that many women wear them a lot but there’s still a variation according to mood. “Jeans can signal that the wearer hasn’t bothered with their appearance. “It shows that clothes impact strongly on how we feel and may also influence how we think (as the above research also suggests), which we’ll be exploring further in our research,” Pine said. There is no correlation between specifically how they dress based on how they feel; gor examlple a depressed person does not neccesarily dress down because they are depressed. When we don’t like what we wear, we focus on it throughout the day. Change ). Jewelry and handbags also bring an energy, and therefore an emotion, to the person.”, Linda Froiland, an image consultant and personal shopper, said in an email that jeans don’t need to always be associated with depression, although sometimes it can be difficult to find the perfect fit. Overall, Pine believes the research provides a look into how we can improve our moods. And of course thoughts. “Baggy jeans that could be perceived as asexual probably don’t correlate with happiness unless paired with more individualistic shirts or accessories,” Miller said. “Baggy jeans that could be perceived as asexual probably don’t correlate with happiness unless paired with more individualistic shirts or accessories,” Miller said. Probably for as long as we have had clothing choices, we have made a lot of those choices based upon how we are feeling on that day. Where I live the vast majority of women are outdoorsy, strong, competent, confident, and live in a combination of hiking boots and active wear–it’s the office casual around here. Men are much more focused on functionality in their wardrobe than women, regardless of emotional state. Rheyanne was writing for EmpowHer in 2012 when this article was originally published. “The science of happiness has found that we have ‘positive interventions’ that can change our mood, and when we deliberately intervene on our happiness by wearing things that evoke positive feelings, positive reactions from others, or that remind you of positive experiences, you will be happier,” Miller said. If we knew more about which clothes could lift a person’s mood perhaps there’d be less need for anti-depressant medication.”, Shauna Mackenzie Heathman, a certified image consultant and owner of Mackenzie Image Consulting in South Carolina, said in an email that the results of the study are expected. “I think it was okay for this study to be focused around women,” Heathman said. For instance, animal prints are associated with the Fire element and a desire to be noticed and feel alive.”, She said for men, color would probably be more of an indicator of emotional states. © Copyright 2012 GoodTherapy.org. It is therefore not surprising or wrong to say that you are what you wear. I saw people wearing nice clothes and still be depressed. Dressing and cosmetics are the main part of fashion for any state or country. It is simply because people around you can guess a lot about your personality depending on the clothes you wear. In the study, 51% of women would wear jeans when they felt sad or depressed, and only 33% of women would wear jeans when they felt happy or positive, according to the news release. She believes that men could be affected by clothing choices as well, although they might put more effort into choosing a car to express their personality and mood. “It suggests we should give more thought to what we wear and even dress for happiness, irrespective of how we are feeling. It takes away the focus from the daily tasks that are important—work, relationships, family. The choice of clothing is as important as identification thorough the colour of hair, height, skin and gender. “The strong link between clothing and mood state suggests we should put on clothes that we associate with happiness, … Yet this is the biggest bug-a-boo I see, not knowing where you left your car keys, clothing, sports equipment, checkbook, you name it. “In Feng Shui we understand how you dress is associated with the five elements. Okay, well maybe I wear darker colors when I am down, but I don’t have the fat clothes and feeling good about myself clothes. “In a place like New York, where women commonly spend up to $300 for a pair of jeans and wear them with heels and a sexy top to go out at night, jeans do not necessarily equal depressive state,” Neel said. This article goes to far on a very basic association. So there is no common denominator in real life, no strong connection between clothes and psychological state, imo. “I don’t think it’s the fact of wearing jeans that suggests sadness or depression as it is just wanting effortlessness and functionality,” Heathman said. The link has been understood in a number of ways. Donna Stellhorn, a Feng Shui expert and author of 2012 Year of the Water Dragon, interprets the study from a unique perspective involving her experience with Feng Shui. This article really spoke to me because every day I go into my closet, and I promise you depending on how I am feeling about myself at that time is exactly what I reflect with the clothing items that I choose for the day. Apr 8, 2019 - You Are What You Wear, the Link Between Clothing Choices and Emotional States - News Digest | Healthy Options Each element has an energy, and we’ll gravitate to the energy that’s in harmony with how we feel at the moment,” Stellhorn said. “The science of happiness has found that we have ‘positive interventions’ that can change our mood, and when we deliberately intervene on our happiness by wearing things that evoke positive feelings, positive reactions from others, or that remind you of positive experiences, you will be happier,” Miller said. However, it generally only has short-term results if working on one’s emotional and mental state is not at play as well.”, “The study mentions that happy clothes include well-cut, figure-enhancing items made from bright and beautiful fabrics,” Heathman said. I don’t need to see clothes to determine a person’s emotional state. One image consultant offered the opinion that your feelings about your clothes are related more to how well the clothes fit than how they look. defined, keep it up all the time. But I think men in general are going to be far less likely to do this. Prolonged long enough, you then fall in ‘the rut.’ Often, altering one’s mood by enhancing wardrobe can be done. Scientists call this phenomenon "enclothed cognition", and Adam Hajo and Adam D. Galinsky, both professors at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, write in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, write that enclothed cognition "involves the co-occurrence of two … Wearing certain clothes can affect emotional states. A woman should walk out of the door and not have to think about what she’s wearing for the rest of the day. There is big Link Between Choices of Clothing and Emotional States because every state has its own traditional style. Why are baggy clothes associated with a sad or depressed emotional state and dresses and jewelry associated with a happy or positive emotional state? Here’s why certain outfits can make you smarter, help you lose weight, and more. The most prominent has been in terms of social class. Copyright © 2007 - 2020 GoodTherapy, LLC. The Link Between Clothing Choices and Emotional States, Contributed by EmpowHER writer Rheyanne Weaver. Prolonged long enough, you then fall in ‘the rut.’ Often, altering one’s mood by enhancing wardrobe can be done. We make [judgments]/assumptions based on our own experiences. Overall she believes the study makes sense and that there is a real connection between clothing and mood. A new study suggests what many women have experienced: dressing in nicer clothes makes you feel better. “We have the power to wear items that represent our personalities and feelings,” Heathman said. To a certain extent, you can read whether someone is feeling insecure based on their clothing, but body language and nonverbal communication is much more representative of one’s feelings.”, She thinks there could also be a separate study on men that explores their clothing choices and emotional states. So if people still wear jeans when they are happy, just to a lesser degree, why are they such a bad choice? He's also discovered that memories or emotions attached to our clothes can evoke good or bad feelings when we wear them. There are many different types of emotions that have an influence on how we live and interact with others. Just like the words “love” and “bike rack” elicit different emotions, colors like red and blue both create different human responses as well. They are often poorly cut and badly fitting,” Pine said in the news release. Mental energy is turned inwards towards emotional thoughts. This article is a little shortsighted. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Look at Steve Jobs. “In fact, it becomes a hassle and waste of time. People who are depressed often lose interest in how they look and don’t wish to stand out, so the correlation between depression and wearing jeans is understandable. The clothes you choose to wear can impact all areas of your life, including your career. Great summary! Ice cream sales and rates of violence are highly associated. “It’s not that jeans specifically suggest sadness, but that the desire to throw on a pair of jeans can indicate that life’s been too chaotic, there are too many choices and we want some quiet stillness to contemplate what’s ahead,” Stellhorn said. I can feel the emotions as they get closer to me. “I don’t think it’s the fact of wearing jeans that suggests sadness or depression as it is just wanting effortlessness and functionality,” Heathman said. Why are baggy clothes associated with a sad or depressed emotional state and dresses and jewelry associated with a happy or positive emotional state? Results would also possibly look different if men were included in the study. “I think the study lacks depth. The author of the study, Karen Pine, who is the coauthor of Flex: Do Something Different and a professor in the School of Psychology at University of Hertfordshire, added in the news release that jeans are more associated with a depressed mood state and that women should consider abandoning them for a different clothing choice in order to feel better. These clothing choices seem to mean that women who are feeling down put less effort into what they’re wearing, and women who are in a good mood tend to try and look nicer to match their mood. Wearing power clothing makes us more feel more confident [possibly because we call it power clothing]; and even increases hormones needed for displaying dominance. Clothing and identity The link between clothing and identity is a long established theme in dress studies, though one that has been given new impetus by the rise of postmodernism with its emphasis on identity. She believes that men could be affected by clothing choices as well, although they might put more effort into choosing a car to express their personality and mood. “So the value in our clothing is profound.”, Caroline Adams Miller, a professional coach, author of “Creating Your Best Life” and a graduate of University of Pennsylvania’s Master’s in Applied Positive Psychology program, said in an email that baggy clothes in general can indicate more of a lackluster mood. I just wonder where I can find this news release and study mentioned? So if people still wear jeans when they are happy, just to a lesser degree, why are they such a bad choice? Results found in 8 databases for "The Link Between Clothing Choices and Emotional States" Using clothing as a tool independently to boost confidence, however can act as a cover-up. People dress based on how they feel. and comprehend emotional states in others, to manage strong emotions and their expression in a constructive manner, to regulate one’s own behavior, to develop empathy for others, and to establish and sustain relationships.2,11,12 Emotional development is actually built into the architecture of young children’s brains in What is revealed seems fairly obvious,” Heathman said. However, first you would need to discover the underlying differences between men and women and how they interpret clothes. You’d be amazed at how much mental energy is exhausted pondering about how we look.”, Overall she thinks the study could have gone more in-depth to provide more useful information. How true!! I can honestly say I am not depressed when wearing jeans, nor are my clients once they know how they should fit, what they should look like, and what to pair them with.”, Rosa Mae Neel, a stylist for professionals and the founder of Prune, agrees with Froiland that jeans don’t necessarily mean depression. While clothes may reflect the emotional state, it is not so 100% of the time. There’s a reason tailored jackets are associated with being ‘dressed for success’. We turn to what’s easy and comfortable. We stop caring. “I think it was okay for this study to be focused around women,” Heathman said. “We have the power to wear items that represent our personalities and feelings,” Heathman said. Besides the shape of clothes, also the color and material indicates the element. Women who are happy or positive are more likely to wear a favorite dress, jewelry, and jeans. Dec 7, 2016 - The results of a recent study suggesting women who wear jeans and baggy clothes are more likely to be depressed have been mixed. Women really do baffle me. Jewelry and handbags also bring an energy, and therefore an emotion, to the person.”, Linda Froiland, an image consultant and personal shopper, said in an email that jeans don’t need to always be associated with depression, although sometimes it can be difficult to find the perfect fit. Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below. weight gain). “A lot of my research concerns women’s issues .. and I think the emotional link is probably stronger for women than for men, although there is research that shows men’s clothes affect how they behave (e.g. “Jeans don’t look great on everyone. Please fill out all required fields to submit your message. Is it because it draws attention towards them? For those who are unfamiliar with Feng Shui, it is “the study of how the environment affects those who dwell in it,” according to the American Feng Shui Institute website. However, it generally only has short-term results if working on one’s emotional and mental state is not at play as well.”, “The study mentions that happy clothes include well-cut, figure-enhancing items made from bright and beautiful fabrics,” Heathman said. 2. If you have a great fitting pair in a dark wash they can be quite sexy with an elevated heel, high heel, or wedge shoes,” Froiland said. Having a fat day? Mental energy is turned inwards towards emotional thoughts. “I do believe that many men use clothing to express and change their moods, though, so I think a future study would find similar results,” Miller said. Finally someone writes about hoodies for men. The main thing to consider when shopping for formal clothing like gowns and suits is the shape of the clothing compared to you body type, picking a good pattern, and picking complimenting colors. “Perhaps in other parts of the country or for older generations, jeans that are not designer jeans and that are more comfortable than flattering are a go-to for depressive states. Actually it is quite the opposite and these people often overdress to compensate for their insecurities. Also, the psychology of color comes into play much more than the study presents. This is an original article published on GoodTherapy.org, written and contributed by Rheyanne Weaver. “The baggy tops reference doesn’t surprise me because they would ‘hide’ someone, and unhappy people don’t want to interact with people—they want to ruminate and be alone, and these clothing choices are perfect indicators of not feeling worthy of being ‘seen.’”. Great to see this post and put some merit behind the ‘look good – feel good’ concept which has been around for ages. “Because men tend to stick to a limited wardrobe, emotional states can be read in the choices of colors and the slight changes in what they normally wear,” Stellhorn said. “Whenever I talk to a group, large or small, I always start out my presentation with telling everyone that ‘It’s in less than 3 minutes someone has already decided who and what you are. Every state has its own clothing style or dressing sense. Depression as Trickster and Communicator. The public and instantly visible nature of dressing makes it an ideal field for the study of values surrounding this consumer good, as a link between values and clothing. “As I mentioned before, when we are depressed or sad, we’re not focused on how we look. But when I feel good on the inside, I want to flaunt that on the outside too. He was excited and still wearing jeans. There is a strong link between mental health and physical health, but little is known about the pathways from one to the other. Others agree that a person who is not motivated to look good probably doesn't feel very good either. Interestingly, the emotional and mood effects from massage are well recognised and significant, as demonstrated in quite a few studies. “With that being said, who knows how other people will interpret it. “I do believe that many men use clothing to express and change their moods, though, so I think a future study would find similar results,” Miller said. T seem to account for an obvious likely confounding variable ( i.e mean the. Office wear and even that isn ’ t this obvious up all the.. As much as your actions and the link between clothing choices and emotional states do to be focused around,! Research also didn ’ t this obvious makes our figure look poor we... 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