Also, I understand to do lists work wonders for a lot of you, they just don’t for me. more >>, Any post asking for advice should be generic and not specific to your situation alone. What is the best advice you’ve gotten from a therapist? 24/7 Access Do it at your own time and at your own pace. one dbt program later, i am thankful for her looking out for me and giving me tough love. They should not rely on you to feel happy. You are not responsible for what they do in their circle. [–]saturnspritr 91 points92 points93 points 1 year ago (2 children). Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Thank you. [–][deleted] 211 points212 points213 points 1 year ago (4 children), [–]itjare 79 points80 points81 points 1 year ago (1 child), In a similar vein, one thing a friend told me that helped me get over some rough breakups was "There was a time before you, and there will be a time after you. [–]georgia-jpeg[S] 159 points160 points161 points 1 year ago (2 children). [–]Kalaan 4280Answer Link427 points428 points429 points 1 year ago (4 children), "When people want to kill themselves, they very rarely actually want to die. He is a psychologist, author, researcher, and expert in mental health online, and … From what I’ve gathered over the past month, a big part of finding the balance between being the ultimate prepared student and that perfect professional is … 99% Upvoted. Well, sure, time still passes. And maybe the anticipation of going to a movie is the first step in getting out of your pajamas that day. There is a ton of research that supports this and why therapy/counseling works because it helps adjust unhealthy ways of seeing the world (from parental and societal introjects to irrational fears). Now, I recognize that people who actually want help/advice will ask directly. You can't blame someone for how they were raised and what they experienced, but you can absolutely hold them accountable for how they treat others because of it. She also never offers to reschedule. Now, at the end of every day, I make a list of the things I’ve done. After I shared all this with my therapist she firmly said, "You're not moving back in with your family" and lo and behold, shared her wisdom and encouragement. [–][deleted] 7750Answer Link774 points775 points776 points 1 year ago* (23 children). "Especially when it comes to other people … Venting to a stranger can be incredibly dangerous if you are at a very mentally sensitive state. Want to know how your experience compares to other peoples? It was a very long two months in which the ex was often angry and pompous I didn't move out "fast enough" to his liking. It's created space within me to love myself and others in more healthy ways. I’ve noticed that you can “make” yourself feel happy by taking actions that make you happy. You now have a one-time ability to talk to your 15 year old self for 60 seconds. report. [–]laurenzaccio 5830Answer Link582 points583 points584 points 1 year ago (9 children). Unfortunately it seems every positive change I made, stopping drinking, quitting smoking, eating right, exercise, limiting sugar, really DID make me feel better so I had to keep it up, lol. This! I use that constantly when I feel myself getting stressed and anxious. Just because it's behind you doesn't mean it's attacking. [–]Katerh 15 points16 points17 points 1 year ago (0 children). In my opinion it would be very helpful. Without those components, your therapy isn’t likely to be as beneficial. You can go back. To picture yourself encountering the 10 year old version of yourself. Feelings aren't reality. Each person who enters treatment has different mental health issues and thus different … 16. [–]Hegemonee 27 points28 points29 points 1 year ago (0 children), [–]Shangtia 11 points12 points13 points 1 year ago (0 children), [–]kyothinks 12 points13 points14 points 1 year ago (0 children). A lot of things started making sense about the world after that. You’re not responsible for your fathers actions or behavior. [–][deleted] 18 points19 points20 points 1 year ago (1 child). I had a change in insurance and about a year and a half in and had to start seeing a different therapist. Recharge for me is personal nonproductive time. Not making this up, and there were worse details. Rather, to teach myself deep down, I can be an adult and live on my own. If you give in to depressive symptoms and waste a whole day of course you won’t feel happy. By entering the chat, you understand that BlahTherapy is not liable for any advice given or conversations conducted during a chat session. It's a very easy and practical therapy that, for minor issues, you can totally work through yourself just by reading a single book like 'Feeling Good' by David D. Burns M.D. Whether you're seeing an individual therapist, marriage counselor, or taking part in counseling for couples -- the online therapy you get will be customized (based on your personal information) to meet your needs. After all, a great way to start anything is to get some inspiration from others first. She cancels all the time. I bet you even if I was forced to social situations everyday I’d still have social anxiety. [–]whattocallmyself 29 points30 points31 points 1 year ago (3 children). According to clinical psychologist Ryan Howes, Ph.D, clinicians may behave unethically and harm their clients by: “having a sexual relationship, breaching confidentiality, extorting money, practicing outside their area of competence, giving poor advice, or responding based on their issue… © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. It is alive again. That advice is not for everybody/everytime, I reckon. [–]Chiper136 64 points65 points66 points 1 year ago (2 children). [–]raging_loner_ 58 points59 points60 points 1 year ago (2 children). There are two types of worries: Worrying about things you CAN change, and things you CAN'T change. She made me realize that I am not responsible for the choices others make. and join one of thousands of communities. I’m an Indian. I never realized how much I interrupted people in conversation. Your thoughts/responses to the question can go in the comments section. I walked out of that session feeling lighter than air. [–][deleted] 663 points664 points665 points 1 year ago* (9 children). All as a reaction to getting out of bed and seeing an orange (its color was too bright and overwhelming). I think it kind of taps into the phenomenal human trait of adaptation, and I’ve tried to apply that to all areas of my life now, by adopting a “growth mindset.” I’ve gone in to do pretty well so far in my career, got married, kids, house, etc. Giving People Advice Rarely Works, This Does Go against your instincts to influence others. Several times during the first 4-5 years, I decided I was feeling great, so I didn't need to take my meds anymore! I think I learned from a book my therapist recommended than the therapist.. or maybe it was just an article I read, idk, but similarly I learned that using the word "should" planted some kind of ethical obligation in my head. [–]CarbyMcBagel 40 points41 points42 points 1 year ago (0 children). [–][deleted] 20 points21 points22 points 1 year ago (4 children). I've stopped hoarding things for the "right" time. [–]gladeshiron 24 points25 points26 points 1 year ago (6 children). but the plant notion is amazing! [–]whomp1970 41 points42 points43 points 1 year ago (13 children). And being bored can be an easy slope back into depression. The therapist I see now is extremely unreliable. Initially my ex was quite smug with a feeling he had helped "save" me from my family. I'm socially anxious because I've been bullied and abused. You need to force yourself to have postive thoughts/affirmations to balance things out. Therapy is a great way to learn mental health tips for your unique situation. Same goes for them. Not therapist but my school counselor said "Life is a tragedy for those who feel, a comedy for those who think"....Since then, whenever I feel like I'm becoming too overwhelmed and sensitive, I try to think instead of feel. How do you feel about diagnosing personality disorders? This is not a strict schedule. [–]LoveFromAFriend 5020Answer Link501 points502 points503 points 1 year ago (9 children). Never interrupted. I wouldn’t have gone at all, but it was part of my grade for a class. Deprive them of sleep? Completely disarmed him and I couldn’t be happier. One with out the other is never enough. Do you find that it is more harmful then helpful? I still keep track of what’s been going on, but I feel more accomplished. With the best online therapy, you can meet with your counselor at whatever time is convenient for you and find the best therapist to suit your specific needs and lifestyle. more >>, Askreddit is for open-ended discussion questions. You don't have to study to be anything, just study. Of course you should talk to your friends and your family. 1. What was your experience? "you are putting all this time and energy into not being depressed anymore. I basically talked myself into realizing I had problems. This can bring about a … Yes youre going to feel like shit for a while. This is great advice. Getting prescribed Lexapro has been the best thing ever because I was already trying so hard to work on people skills and other stuff like learning guitar. Advice Home > Therapy Therapy Articles. It just needs something it isn't getting. I’m bad at taking time for myself because I see it as unproductive. But most therapists avoid giving their clients advice… The person described in a job ad might not exist in the real world. Unfortunately, this is how I earn that money stuff. [–]impactwhey 164 points165 points166 points 1 year ago (9 children). They don’t protect your confidentiality. Breaking news The protagonist of the last movie you watched has to fight the antagonist of the last TV show you watched. I treat myself more; I laugh more; I worry less. [–]Nihilistic_Dizzy 32 points33 points34 points 1 year ago (5 children). My therapist wants me to take time for myself. This is crucial because some red flags only apply to in-person therapy but not online therapy. [–]H150180 14 points15 points16 points 1 year ago (0 children). Funny how it sneaks up on you some days. [–]300zxTwinTurbo 30 points31 points32 points 1 year ago (5 children). [–]Boredredheadshusband 20 points21 points22 points 1 year ago (0 children). Though not easy, [–]MysteryMeat101 12 points13 points14 points 1 year ago (2 children). My family was very, very discouraging that I could ever live on my own. This week a Reddit user going by TheOldSoul did the entire world a favor and started a compendium of the best cleaning tips the users of Reddit have ever received. it can keep growing as long as you let it. It counts for so and I want to print it out and stick it on my wall. “Everyone has to experience their own pain.” Is this the norm for therapists and therapy practices or should I cut my ties and go elsewhere? If you're at the point where you are worried about … Next is necessities, which for my schedule is generally 2-3 tokens. But you will get over it. [–]georgia-jpeg[S] 32 points33 points34 points 1 year ago (2 children), Thanks for the reminder- if you’re reading this, take 30 seconds to do nothing but breathe :), [–]1brianna1 162 points163 points164 points 1 year ago (4 children). Users providing this chat therapy are regular people with no professional training behind their advice. Share your psychotherapy stories and questions here. I had almost nothing. advice. Are you me ? [–]peeviewonder 41 points42 points43 points 1 year ago (0 children). I would think "I go to the party, no one talks to me, I go home and add another failure to the list, and I get a little bit older while still not moving forward. Therapy is justified, but the price tag it entails can pose a heavy burden. However, while the service may have similar benefits, it's not capable of substituting for traditional face-to-face therapy in every case. Each person who enters treatment has different mental health issues and thus different emotional needs. I've spent time on psychiatric hold and I left in a worse headspace than the events that put me there. I’m not sure if I still really need it, but I’m terrified of coming off of it because how much it changed my life for the better. Therapist self-marketing posts will be removed. “Your problem is well understood and shared by others. [–]chevymonza 48 points49 points50 points 1 year ago (6 children). I was seeing a therapist for anxiety/depression and one of my stressors was worrying about failing a class. Co-worker who goes to one relayed this gem to me once: If there's a lion behind you, keep walking. [–]thecatererscat 83 points84 points85 points 1 year ago* (22 children). It is all about perspective." You don't need it right now. - from RO-DBT sessions I attended whilst in hospital last summer. As it's been around a long time you'll pick up a used copy or an ePub version very cheaply. If you check out, you don't get to see how it turns out. If you know what narcissists do.... they plan this shit. If you have a complicated situation with a child/children are involved, reach out to people who have been there for you your whole life. Decisions you make go in this circle. [–]simple-squamous-epi 26 points27 points28 points 1 year ago (2 children). Your time is a commodity, and you don’t owe it to anyone, [–]jardedCollinsky 39490Answer Link3948 points3949 points3950 points 1 year ago (90 children), It wasnt me but a therapist told my friend with huge social anxiety "Name as many embarrassing moments for someone else as you can in a minute" and you probably cant think of much, this is how people view your embarrassing moments, [–]SupropRenkcip 547 points548 points549 points 1 year ago (7 children). The Best Apartment Hunting Advice, According To Reddit. If this post doesn’t belong on this subreddit, please let me know! Have you thought about forgiving your self? Its vines were hanging off the table curled up as if they were desperately reaching for the light that they were growing so far away from. Throughout the day, when you're not focused on doing anything, just focus on nothing for a second. Sex is more than penile-vaginal intercourse. Frog in a cup. Read; He made an effort to break up when he knew I would be financially strained. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. “The therapist can pinpoint how to help the spouse interpret misunderstandings and identify where they’re most at odds ,” Debra Campbell , a psychologist and couple’s therapist in Melbourne, Australia, previously told HuffPost. With online therapy, it’s easier to offer sessions on the weekend, before or after hours, or in the evenings. But for therapy, it's also helpful to reflect on your goals and think about your reasons for coming in. On some days I feel like I haven’t been productive, but then I write down what I did that day and I realized it wasn’t half bad. Dr. John Grohol is the founder of Psych Central. When I was halfway through the list, i’d think ‘uuuuugh, I’ve done so much already and I’m still not done!’. She told me to try feeling it, accept that is how I felt, accept those were my thoughts at that time. But it forces me to think about eating, resting, and how my mood or sleep might impact what I’ll feel like doing so I can be conscious and not overload myself with commitments. By this point I usually have about 5 tokens left if it’s a good day. What’s the worst that could happen?” Well...I would go home and be sad but I would get on with my life. One per hour! We encourage discussion of therapeutic techniques, information related to practice and new research, information related to careers in therapy… Ever since I attempted suicide as a teenager, it's like my brain knows that there's a permanent out waiting for me. There is a ton of research that supports this and why therapy/counseling works because it helps adjust unhealthy ways of seeing the world (from parental and societal introjects to irrational fears). She suggested I not speak to him other than “hi” and “bye” and it worked. Advice Home > Therapy > Therapeutic Techniques And How They Can Help You Therapeutic Techniques And How They Can Help You. I was going through tough times and every time I saw my brother and tried to make small talk at family events he would offend me and I’d always wind up upset after seeing him. We occasionally sit there for over 5 minutes in silence because I get into these thought loops. I should thank my therapist but I don’t want to explain reddit to her, haha. Expand your definition of sex — try outercourse! It feels like a close friendship sometimes, but it isn’t. Gotta hope that it can be dealt with easily, and if there's a long battle, that you don't go into remission. Tell us about it! It was kind of rough on his wife and their three kids. This was no mistake. It’s not, “moving on, it’s moving foreword”. (And that she may even interpret it that way.) Also, even if you do remember, do you really even care? She suggested that whenever my anxiety or depression or paranoia got bad, I should talk myself through it like unshakable Spock. They lie, cheat, steal and manipulate to keep you where they want you. Who wins and why? I never expected it to work. One that died on me. The “rules of engagement” for when I’m mad at my kids or in a disagreement with my wife: [–]honeysushi 264 points265 points266 points 1 year ago (13 children). Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Depression can be very self deprecating. And I really feel that I have nothing to share, except for the anxiety of not having anything to say, but I already talked the hell out of this subject and I just can't stand hearing myself saying this shit again and again. I have an uncle who did that. Get your money's worth by arriving 10 minutes early to catch your breath, collect your thoughts and … Blew my mind. Apartment Therapy is a part of the AT Media family. I hope you're doing okay - I'm here to listen if you just need to talk/vent/etc. The most useful advice I was given when initially learning therapy was to forget everything, which of course means learn everything and remember everything and then forget everything. That being said, as a trained counselor and as someone who … Online therapy tends to be more affordable than traditional face-to-face therapy. Serious posts She always cancels just and hour or so before the scheduled session. [–][deleted] 22 points23 points24 points 1 year ago (4 children). I realize this is a joke, but excessive porn is genuinely really bad for your sexuality. Edit: I’m loving the discussion from this but I’m not finding it helpful at all :(. Nothing worked. Look through cover letter examples on the … How are you doing now? Abusers/otherwise crappy people always start "normal" and sweet and loving because who would let an abusive/gaslighting/manipulative person into their life? The title may contain two, short, necessary context sentences. And I was "just" on anti-anxiety + anti-depression drugs. Don’t worry about being judged. I used to have them at least once monthly if not twice. It was such a relief to finally understand I didn’t have to buy into their bullshit. You probably always will have suicidal ideation. 1. Whereas if i use "X would be beneficial" it took a lot of pressure off. This was one that helped me a lot as well, as well as treating myself like more or less a sentient plant when I have bad days. Just because I feel hopeless, alone, useless, etc. Since then, he’s been back for three more “ask me anything” sessions, including one just yesterday where the vacuum pro answered some need-to-know questions … How come I couldn't do 37 things in a Day!? It allowed me to really honestly give something a shot because I could always go back to what I was doing if it didn't make me feel better. There's a ton of relationship advice out there, but for the best, consult the pros: couples counselors. To make the guide comprehensive and inclusive, we included all of the mediums for psychotherapy. Thinking of myself as a plant helps a bit more than a child in my case just because I feel less guilty. It could change your life. The only thing I really took away from them but it does help me with those automatic irrational thoughts. Clients and therapists are both welcome to exchange perspectives and ideas. It was on the evening she kicked me out that I felt like I could breathe for the first time in years. So now that I'm not taking all day to just clean my condo, I can think about and do things like play video games, see my friends, watch a movie, or go shopping. And they’d have to face being rejected by a patient or one that wouldn’t talk. The problem was, I always overestimated what I was going to do so I ended up only doing a few things, and the half crossed list would make me feel unaccomplished. Even if you are my son. In other words, they want specific, concrete solutions for whatever issues that are troubling them. [–]therereaderofbooks 67 points68 points69 points 1 year ago (5 children). The professionals who work through BetterHelp are licensed and credentialed therapists who were certified by their state's board to provide therapy and counseling. (beer, pizza, chips, cake) Less than a year later I eat about 1200 wholesome calories per day and LOVE IT! But as long as you don't act on it, so what?" I am recovering from anxiety attacks and 2018 I only had 3 when I used to have them weekly. Many people get cancer, why not you? Good on her! Giving advice in the context of therapy — something that sounds benign — is actually a controversial and divisive issue. So as much as you need to focus on getting better, you also have to think about what you will do when you're feeling up to it. It would just mean I didn't receive the benefit and there's no need to beat myself up about that. Thanks to those that read this, I just needed to express my first experience in therapy. I found it really helpful. That stuck with me. It was dead, but with a little water and light from a lamp look at it now. How will that change your identity?" One time, I accidentally left my meds behind and drove off to a different town to help with a friend's medical emergency. You aren’t the clinician you want to be…YET! You are dealing with a emotional terrorist. My doctor pointed out that we don't need that much food (even though our body begs relentlessly!) There are not words for the growth I've been able to have and how grateful I am for it. The last time I tried pulling that shit was 8 years ago, and it was disastrous enough for me to scare myself straight. stop blowing all your time and energy on people and things that are shitty and make you feel terrible. Finding activities that make you genuinely happy, and trying to get better at them. Don't stop taking them because you feel better, not without consulting a doctor and having a plan in mind. One thing I’ve heard that has always stuck with me is that the part of your brain that controls responsibility doesn’t fully activate until it has something to be responsible for. Well done! [–]Godhand25 15 points16 points17 points 1 year ago (0 children). But since it isn't always accessible, we asked therapists for their best advice. [–]NauticalFork 28 points29 points30 points 1 year ago (12 children). Less than a year later I haven't had fast food in weeks, I haven't had a beer in months, and my new favorite meal is almonds...just raw, no salt, almonds. This book changed my life. I see a plant I bought 3 years ago. Being in a relationship can be a wonderful thing, but it can also be hard work and problems can arise. It certainly puts things in perspective- even if plan A doesn’t work, you’re never totally out of options! [–]heyytaytay 14 points15 points16 points 1 year ago (1 child). Good chunk of my head that do n't have to go online under the health. 90 points91 points92 points 1 year ago ( 3 children ) than micro everything! Can make twice therapist wants me to love them and..... that is.. 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